Thursday, December 19, 2019


To all my Cherokee family, friends, colleagues and, most importantly, students—thank you for everything! Today was my last day teaching at Cherokee High School, and these last seven years have been the professional highlight of my life. From class, to Indian tacos at my house, to football games and our trips to Georgia I have loved every minute I have spent with you, and I learned far, far more from you than I ever could have hoped to teach you. From all the miles and smiles (and a few tears) it has been an amazing and wonderful experience, and each of you has been a blessing to my life and that of my family. I love each one of you and keep you in my prayers every single day, as I hope you’ll remember me in yours. From the bottom of my heart I'm sorry I couldn't do more. Don’t ever settle or sell yourselves short, you guys are the most beautiful and talented youth on God's earth! You have inspired me daily. S’gi.